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              Technical Support

              Common physical properties of flexible packaging material
                Barrier properties strength function
              Water and gas oxygen general Stiff Hypothermia high temperature Transparent forming Sealing print Paul Shannon
              paper   × × × × × ×◎ ×
              metal AL × × × ×
              film OPP × × US ×
              CPP × × ×
              PET × ×
              ONY × ×
              CNY × ×
              LDPE × ×△ × ×
              HDPE × △〇 ×
              PVDC × ×〇 W ×
              PVC × W
              PVA × ×
              EVOH × ×
              OPS × ×
              PVDC KOP ×
              Coating KPET ×

              ◎:excellent 〇:good△:general×:badUS:Ultrasonic SutureW:High Frequency Sealing
